So…What Exactly Is 10K Hours Later?

  • It all begins with an idea. Thoughts become things.

  • Build it and they will come!

  • Consistency is key!

  • Because prayer changes things!

There’s a philosophy that exists that was popularized by Malcolm Gladwells book Outliers that says it takes 10000 hours of intense practice to achieve mastery of complex skills. Well, 10000 Hours Later, we’re here to talk about “the spirit” and mindset that is necessary to achieve mastery of “self” while building a successful brand or business. The part that no one ever talks about and the stories that hardly ever make it to social media. Don’t be fooled by the glitz and glam of titles. The prerequisite is always a little bit of grit, grind and God’s grace.

In The Studio…

Tamara Revis

Podcast Host | Show Creator

After years of working behind the scenes in the entertainment industry, I realized that my passion lies in storytelling. Often times, nobody wants to tell the WHOLE STORY! We see the influencers, the money, the fame, the success and people get a false illusion of reality. We rarely talk about the spiritual principles necessary to endure the ups and downs of business. Who are you when your faith, integrity, humility & discipline are being tested. My story and the stories shared by others takes a deep dive into 10000 hours later. We’ll discuss the journey, the destination and when PRAYER meets PREPARATION?